Ms. Waye's News Blog

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

This is a very special time in your child's life. He or she will be learning many new things this year - academic skills, organizational skills, social skills, self confidence and responsibility. You play a major role in helping your student reach the maximum of his or her potential. Research in the area of child development indicates that most of a child's intellectual development takes place outside the formal classroom. This means that children spend a great deal of time with their first and most important teacher - their parents. Indeed, as parents, your involvement in your child's learning experiences will have much to do with how well your child succeeds in school and in later life. By working together, I believe we can all help your child become the best person possible - socially, emotionally and scholastically.

I'm looking forward to working with you this year as we help your child experience all the joys of learning. Your participation and encouragement will be a major contributions to your child's success this year!


Terri-Ann Waye