Ms. Waye's News Blog

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Welcome Back to Second Semester!

Everyone is back to zero days, so Save Your Days!

Math 9: p.346-347 #2, 3, 4, 6, 7

Hospitality and Tourism: bring your bristol board and markers tomorrow

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thursday HW

Math 9 Cook - The students were given a review sheet with practice questions after their test today. They should do as much of it as they can tonight. We will go over some questions tomorrow and some other topics that aren't on those sheets will come home tomorrow night after we work on them in class. There is only one student here for extra help today, and there will be extra help again tomorrow after school too to prepare for the exam.

Math 9 Carlin - the 7 students were at school today have their 2nd and final practice questions that they should be working on tonight. There is a transformation test tomorrow for the students who were not here to write it yet.

Physics - review list was given out today in class.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wednesday HW

Math 9 Carlin- they got their exam review and practice Qs today. Some students wrote their final test today (marks were between 60% and 100%), and the rest of the students will write it on Friday.

Math 9 Cook - has a test tomorrow, and should be studying their notes and rules tonight as they did not come to extra help today. Tomorrow they will receive their exam review.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tuesday HW

Math 9 Cook - p.439 #2,3,4, and 9 (Quiz on Thursday)
Math 9 Carlin - p.444 #1-5 (Quiz on Friday)
and extra help for this quiz tomorrow

Physics - Final test tomorrow

Family Living - they have the exam review hand out

Monday, January 15, 2007

Monday HW

Because of the cancellation of afternoon classes, Math 9 Cook students who were absent on Friday were given HW, but the rest were not. If your grade 9 student was away on Friday during Math class, they must complete the Take home quiz they were given before they got on the bus to go home today.

Math 9 Carlin had class, so their HW is p.439 #1,2,3,4, and 9 for tonight.

Because there was no Physics class today, students were unable to get their review topic list. They will receive that tomorrow and the quiz will be the following day instead of tomorrow.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Weekend HW

Those who were absent today missed a Math 9 take-home to get ready for the test next week. A number of students were supposed to stay for extra help today, but none came!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thursday HW

Math 9- p. 432 #4-9

Physics - wave equation sheet 2

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Tuesday HW:

** The 12 Math 9 students who stayed for extra help today will be rewriting their test on Thursday after school.**

Family Living: the egg baby project will continue until next Wednesday

Math 9 Cook: The original triangle and the 3 reflections must be done tonight as no one finished before the end of the day.

Physics: the universal wave equation questions from Thursday before Christmas Break need to be finished, and the lab is due by Friday