Ms. Waye's News Blog

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thursday HW:

Math 9 Car - p.172 #13

Math 9 Cook - p.171 #9,10

Physics - Redo yesterday HW #2-3

Monday, November 27, 2006

Tuesday and Wednesday HW

Math 9: Each day students will have a take home assignment of work that was learned previously this year to prepare them for their January District Assessment. This work must be completed for the next day as accurately as possible because it will be marked to measure how ready they are for this exam. (The work is from September and October.)
Extra help Thursday after school.

Family Living: working on your poster project in class

Physics: working on their essay Tuesday and Wednesday HW is p. 287 #1-3.
Extra help Friday after school.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Week End HW

Math 9: No new HW, but few have all their HW done since midterm. Especially,
· Read p.159-161 and do the steps of the investigation in your scribbler
· questions on p. 162 #1-4
· Read p.164 and do the steps of the investigation 1
· Read p.165 and do the steps of the investigation 2
· read p.166-169
· Do questions on p. 169 #1-4

Physics: Keep working on your essay

Family Living: journal

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wednesday HW

Math 9: p.170 #7, 8

Physics: p. 245 #23, 24 and p.254 #31, 32

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Monday and Tuesday HW:

Math 9: Monday - In class and finish at home, p.159-161 and the Investigation steps, then p.162 #1-4
Tuesday - In class and finish at home, p. 164-9 do Investigations 1 and 2 then p.162 #1-4

Physics: Monday - In class and finish at home, new formula and questions p.238 #19-21 and p.275 #15-18 and 20
Tuesday - In class and finish at home, new formula and questions p.250 #27-29 and p. 276 #23, 24

Friday, November 17, 2006

Weekend HW

Math 9: use your notes to help you answer p.156 #1-6 and 8 on the next page

Physics: if yoiu didn't finish the Qs in class, they are p.225 #4-7, and 9

Family Living: not everyone finished the research on your career that was to be handed in before the end of class

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thursday HW

Math 9: p. 150 #7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16

Physics: p.221 #1-3

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tuesday HW:

Physics: p. 209 #37, 38, 40, 41, 42
plus your HW from Friday if you are one of half the class that wasn't here on Friday

Math 9: your HW from Friday if you didn't do it, and for today it is
p. 144 #4, 6, 9, 10, 11

Friday, November 10, 2006

Long weekend HW

Physics: p.197#29, p.200#31, p.203#33-35
using the formulas Ft=mvf-mvi and J=Ft

Math 9: p.143 and 144 #1,2,3,5

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Grade 9 is expected to have returned their signed Math exams to school the day after they get them. Today, is 9 Carlin and tomorrow is 9 Cook.

Both grade 9 classes have Math HW tonight:

p. 142 qustion 1

Friday, November 03, 2006

Physics Review sheet

Unit 1 - Kinematics

1. Be able to use and rearrange the following formula
d = ½ (vi + vf) t vf = vi + at d = vi t + ½ at2 vf2 = vi2 + 2ad
a = (vf - vi) ÷t d = v t

2. Know and interpret distance-time graphs, velocity-time graphs, and acceleration-time graphs

3. Know the difference between each scalar quantities and each vector quantities

4. Be able to make a graph, draw the line of best fit, and calculate the slope of it

Unit 2 - Dynamics

5. Be able to calculate weight (Fg = m g) and the equal and opposite normal force (FN )

6. Understand Newton’s 3 Laws, be able to use the formula Fnet = m a , and understand that inertia is an object’s tendency to continue in its current motion (think of it as the object’s mass)

7. Understand the forces acting on an object so you can draw FBDs (Free Body Diagrams) of the external forces acting on that object

8. Be able to calculate the friction force (Ff = μ FN ) and understand the difference between static friction (still) and kinetic friction (moving)

9. Be able to calculate your weight on other planets when given their gravity
Important: There is no new homework during midterm week... but if any one has previous undone homework, this is your last chance to do it for marks. Your marks are being compiled next week for your report cards that are coming out very soon.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Family Living 12 Midterm Review Nov. 2/06 (for midterm on Nov. 10th)

The questions on the midterm will be taken from the following list. It is suggested that you prepare an answer for each of these questions as part of your study/review time.

1. From your notes: Draw, explain and give examples of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
2. Compare and contrast 2 different types of personality tests. Which do you think is a better measure of a person’s true character?
3. Notes: Explain the difference between a person’s (A) sex role (B) gender role (C) sexual preference identity.
4. Do males and females have equal responsibility over their sexual safety?
5. How do you know when you are in a mature loving relationship with someone?
6. Do you think reading the Monte Lewis book was beneficial or not, and explain. Should it be required reading at school? Explain why or why not and state which grade.
7. Why is it better to be your child’s cheerleader than his or her critic?
8. From your notes: State a custom from each of 3 different countries’ cultural ceremonies.
9. State and explain 3 things that make a healthy family atmosphere.
10. Notes: Explain the difference between goals, standards and values; then give an example of each.
11. Explain the difference between snap decisions and well-thought out ones. Give an example of a good use of each and a poor use of each.
12. Notes: What are the 6 steps of the problem solving process? Choose a problem and give an example of each step with that problem.
13. Complete the following 2 sentences:
The worst decision I ever made was … The best decision I ever made was …
14. Is procrastination always a negative situation? Explain.
15. Explain 2 needs or concerns that have arisen from the aging population of “baby boomers.”
16. What is culture and why is diversity of cultures a good thing?
17. Explain the statement: “As a couple, two people learn to think and act as a team.”
18. Notes: Explain 5 of the 6 stages of family development.
19. What does the term “empty nest” mean?
20. Notes: State 2 reasons why income pressures often decrease during the middle years stage.
21. Choose a famous family (or one on TV) and explain why they are a good role model of a family or why they are not a good role model.
Review for Math 9 Midterm:
1. Name the subsets of Real numbers that various numbers belong to:
· Integers (I): i.e. -1, -43, 6, 10
· Whole (W): i.e. the counting numbers plus zero 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, …
· Natural (N): i.e. the counting numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, …
· Rational (Q): i.e. fractions and decimals that end OR that repeat forever in a pattern i.e. ¼ = 0.25 or 1/3 = 0.3333333…
· Irrational (Q with a line over it): decimals that go on forever without a repeating pattern i.e. ∏, √2, √5

2. Put various Real numbers in order from greatest to least or least to greatest
i.e. order these from least to greatest ∏, -3.2, 28/9, -6/8, 3/2
answer: -3.2, -6/8, 3/2, 28/9, ∏

3. Positive and negative square roots
i.e. √9 = 3 , -3 √32 =5.6, - 5.6 √-25 = Ø not possible

4. order of operations (use “BEDMAS”)
i.e. 3+(6-4)÷2 =3+2÷2=3+1=4
i.e. (6-9)² ÷2+ ½ = (-3) ² ÷2+ ½ = 9÷2+ ½= 4.5+ ½ +5

5. add, subtract, multiply and divide real numbers (including fractions)
i.e. ½ +3/5 = 5/10 +6/10 = 11/10 or 1 and 1/10
i.e. 3/8- 2/3 = 9/24 – 16/24 = -7/24
i.e. 1/5 x 6/8 = 6/40 = 3/20
i.e. -3/2 ÷ (-4/3)= (-3/2) x( -3/4 ) = 9/8 or 1 and 1/8

6. represent numbers from a table or a story as a matrix; know which element is which (i.e. (3,2) means the element in row 3, column 2); and be able to state the dimensions of a matrix
These are each 3x2 matrices.
7. add or subtract matrices together (can only be done if they have identical dimensions)
8. multiply a matrix by a number (scalar multiplication)
9. Write solution sets for number lines and draw number lines for solution sets

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wednesday HW

Math 9 Cook - p.43 #1-3

Physics - Weight sheet Q#3