Ms. Waye's News Blog

Monday, June 11, 2007

Monday: Math 9 Exam

Tuesday: Hosp. and Tour.

Please return your textbooks and have a great summer!!!!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Tuesday HW

Math 9 Cook: p.311 #3,4 and p.304 #6 f to j, 8 a to d

Math 9 Carlin: p.311 # 3, 4 and p.318-9 #4, 16

HosT 11: Web pages should be almost finished, and you should be studying for the final test on Friday

Reminder: Last extra help today for the test Wednesday (9Carlin)/ Thursday (9 Cook). Extra help on earlier units (Feb probability & March graphing) for the exam next Monday is Thursday after school only!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Math 9 Cook: take home due tomorrow
p.288 #4, 5ceg, 7, 11eh, 16
p.293 #7bc, 11de, 13df, 14fg
p.299 #7aef, 8g
p.313 #13bc, 17ac

Both grade 9 classes:
No one came to extra help on Friday; and today and tomorrow are your last chances before the final test on Wednesday. Both classes write their exam next Monday morning.

HW for Math 9 Carlin: p.304 #4e-h, 5f-j, 7c-g, 9bdfh
Review Questions for Final Hosp . and Tour. Test

· p.57 #1-6
Promotion Questions
1. Make the list of 10 challenges on p. 46 and a sentence each describing them
2. List and a sentence explaining each of the 8 things that make tourism products unique p. 50-2
3. Explain the 4 P’s of marketing in a good sized paragraph from p. 53-54
4. Do definitions of the following terms: p. 49-55
code of ethics, marketing, products, price, promotion, marketing plan, value, market segment, and niche or target marketing
5. p. 57 Q#5
6. p. 57 Q#6

· Notes p.83 (Match the terms with their definitions.)

· Make your own notes April 18, 2007
1. What are the 7 reasons people choose to travel by car? (p.89)
2. What percentage of vacation travel is from family vacations? (p.89)
3. What are the 3 requirements for renting a car? (p.90)
4. Why is it more expensive to rent from an airport? (p.90)
5. What are the 6 ways companies glean revenues? (p.91)
6. Define the terms “unlimited kilometers” and corporate rates.” (p.92)
7. Why was rail travel important to Western Canada? (p.93)
8. When and why was Via Rail created? (p.93)
9. What are the 8 ways to get discounted rail service? (p.95)
10. What are the 7 reasons why trains are more popular in places other than North America? (p.95-6)
11. Describe the “bullet train” and the “Orient Express.” (p.96)
12. List 6 reasons why motor coaches are popular ways to travel. (p.97)
13. Describe the 4 categories of tours. (p.98)

· Gillian Work
p.128 Grey Box (Match the terms and their definitions)
p.169 Table 7.1 “List 3 types and sources each of public, private, and non-profit sources of funding.”
p.174 Table 7.2 “Name and give the locations of 10 World Heritage Sites in Canada.”
p.193-199 (Match the terms with their definitions.)
p.213-215 (Match the terms with their definitions.)
p.215-224 (Match the terms with their definitions.)
p.224-231 Essay question: Explain the environmental concerns that can impact tourism. (10 marks) Ideas for the essay are listed below ...
Info on environmental concerns: keep scenic places beautiful by limiting damage to it, conservation of resources like preventing deforestation and losing vegetation, preserving water quality, protecting wildlife, protecting the coastline by … , don’t over develop the mountains (explain), and keeping the fragile ecosystems of deserts safe (explain).

Friday, June 01, 2007

Friday June 1st Weekend Homework

Math 9 Carlin: Take Home Ast
The following questions:
p.288 #4, 5ij, 9ef, 11eh
p.293 #9ce, 11bf
p.298 #4, 7cef, 9b
p.313 #13cd, 17df

Your final test is scheduled for Wednesday/Thursday!

Math 9 Cook: If possible, you should do this work as well. Extra help is Monday after school.

HosT 11: You have questions I need to see from Ms. Gilmore that need to be finished for Monday.