Thursday Homework (And Friday's is included too for those of you who are supporting our teams at the Aitken Center)
Math 9: questions about calculating slope
-A- For those of you who missed the lesson today, you can see the explanations on p.100 and p.102 also. -B- Questions p. 104 #1,2 are to be done tonight. -C- In class tomorrow, p. 104 #4, 6 and 9 as well as p 128 # 4, 10, and 12 (Ignore instructions that ask you for the equation of the line, and just calculate the slopes for those questions. We will learn about the equations next week.)
HosT 11: tomorrow we are reading chapter one of our new textbook
Feb 5th Monday HW Math 9: 3 sheets titled "exponents", "variables", and "radicals" from class today HosT 11: your P.A.M. written assignment should be done, and presentations will occur on Thursday
Feb 6th Tuesday HW Math 9: 4 sheets titled "geometry matching", "circles", "triangles", and "symmetry" from class today HosT 11: your "Recipe for a Happy Tourist" poster should be completed in class today and is due to be passed in on Friday