Grade 9 Math
Scientific notation - page 214-215 #1,2,3,9,10
All quizes were returned today and need to corrected
Sheet 5.2 still outstanding - Sam Zach, Alex S, Matt, Carter, Namen, Zach B
Grade 9 Science
We are working on model of the solar system in class.
Chas Kara, Tara, Zach M, Zach B, Brittany and Mitchell still need to hand in planet summaries and questions.
Grade 10 Scicence
Adopt an Element Assignment is Due Thursday. Students were given class time today to work on this.
An important notice that students are to be in school Monday the 18th the professional development day has been cancelled.
Scientific notation - page 214-215 #1,2,3,9,10
All quizes were returned today and need to corrected
Sheet 5.2 still outstanding - Sam Zach, Alex S, Matt, Carter, Namen, Zach B
Grade 9 Science
We are working on model of the solar system in class.
Chas Kara, Tara, Zach M, Zach B, Brittany and Mitchell still need to hand in planet summaries and questions.
Grade 10 Scicence
Adopt an Element Assignment is Due Thursday. Students were given class time today to work on this.
An important notice that students are to be in school Monday the 18th the professional development day has been cancelled.
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